ResponsiveVoice Text To Speech API
Include the JS file in your page
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<script src=""></script> |
speak(string text, [string voice], [object parameters])
Starts speaking the text in a given voice.
text: String
The text to be spoken.
voice: String
Defaults to “UK English Female”. Choose from the available ResponsiveVoices.
parameters: Object
Used to add optional pitch (range 0 to 2), rate (range 0 to 1.5), volume (range 0 to 1) and callbacks.
Pitch, rate and volume may not affect audio on some browser combinations, older versions of Chrome on Windows for example.
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world"); |
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world", "UK English Male"); |
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world", "UK English Male", {pitch: 2}); |
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world", "UK English Male", {rate: 1.5}); |
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world", "UK English Male", {volume: 1}); |
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responsiveVoice.speak("hello world", "UK English Male", {onstart: StartCallback, onend: EndCallback}); |
Speak a specified element on the page:
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responsiveVoice.speak(document.getElementById("article-container").textContent); |
Stops playing the speech.
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responsiveVoice.cancel(); |
Checks if browser supports native TTS
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if(responsiveVoice.voiceSupport()) { responsiveVoice.speak("hello world"); } |
Returns: true/false
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var voicelist = responsiveVoice.getVoices(); |
Returns: a list of available voices
setDefaultVoice(string voice)
Allows setting a default voice, which will be used by responsiveVoice.speak whenever a voice is not specified as a parameter.
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responsiveVoice.setDefaultVoice("US English Female"); |
setDefaultRate(number rate)
Allows setting a default rate of speech, which will be used by responsiveVoice.speak whenever rate is not included in the parameters. The rate parameter must be > 0 and <= 1.5
Please note this might not work with all voices, as certain voices don’t support variable rate of speech.
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responsiveVoice.setDefaultRate(0.5); |
Detects if native TTS or TTS audio element is producing output.
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if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()) { console.log("I hope you are listening"); } |
Returns: true/false
pause() and resume()
Pauses/Resumes speech
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responsiveVoice.pause(); responsiveVoice.resume(); |
setTextReplacements(Array replacements)
Replaces selected words or expressions in the text. Useful for specifying pronunciation variations for different voices.
responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements expects an array of objects where each object is a replacement. The replacement object has the following parameters:
- searchvalue: (required) text to be replaced. Regular expressions are supported.
- newvalue: (required) replacement text.
- collectionvoices: (optional) Voice name (from ResponsiveVoice collection) for which the replacement will be applied. Can be a unique name or an array of names.
- systemvoices: (optional) Voice name (from System voices collection) for which the replacement will be applied. Can be a unique name or an array of names.
Replace “human” with “robot”. It will be replaced for any voice selected.
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responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements([{ searchvalue: "human", newvalue: "robot" }]); |
Replace “human” with “robot” and “dog” with “cat”.
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responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements([ { searchvalue: "human", newvalue: "robot" }, { searchvalue: "dog", newvalue: "cat" } ]); |
Replace “human” with “robot” only for “Google UK English Female” voice in responsiveVoice.voicecollection.
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responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements([{ searchvalue: "human", newvalue: "robot", collectionvoices: "Google UK English Female" }]); |
Replace “human” with “robot” for “de-DE” and “fr-FR” system voices. These correspond to german and french on iOS devices.
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responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements([{ searchvalue: "human", newvalue: "robot", systemvoices: ["de-DE", "fr-FR"] }]); |
Replace any combination of numbers with the word “numbers”.
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responsiveVoice.setTextReplacements([{ searchvalue: /[0-9]+/g, newvalue: "numbers" }]); |
On some devices, such as mobile, browsers prevent audio from being played without a user gesture. ResponsiveVoice can listen for a click on the window and take it as the user gesture required by the browser. This will grant ResponsiveVoice permission to play any audio from that moment on.
Note: This click hook is automatically enabled on mobile devices.
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responsiveVoice.enableWindowClickHook(); |
Alternatively, in the case that listening for a click on the window is not possible, responsiveVoice.clickEvent() can be called directly from any user gesture and it will grant ResponsiveVoice the required permission.
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responsiveVoice.clickEvent(); |
Sometimes performance can have an impact on the TTS engine, causing unexpected behaviors when the system load is high. ResponsiveVoice uses a timeout as a fallback mechanism so the onstart and onend events will be triggered normally even if the TTS engine didn’t respond to the speak request. This is specially useful for a multiple phrase setup such as a dialog where the next phrase needs to be played after the current one.
Note: enableEstimationTimeout is enabled by default.
We recommend to disable this feature for non-latin character languages. It can be disabled by setting the parameter as false:
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responsiveVoice.enableEstimationTimeout = false; |